One  Malayalam Movie Review

Film Name: One
Cast: Jagadish, Vishnu Nandan, Devika Nambiar
Direction: Parthan Mohan
Genre: Horror
Duration: 1 hour 40 minutes

Story: The film is about the spooky events that unfurl in a haunted mansion one night when a group of youngsters get together at the place.

Movie Review: In Parthan Mohan's One there is plenty of dust, cob-webs, shrieks, screams and loads of darkness to typify a ghostly mansion. The film, based on a real-life event that happened in Scotland, shows a group of youths with their teacher reaching a mansion.

It's dark, dusty and derelict. Disconnected phones start blaring, paintings on walls slide upside down, doors get fastened, and articles appear and disappear. Parthan employs all possible ploys to scare his audience. Often he wants his camera to look at his characters from far, almost still, as if somebody is watching them without being noticed.

Most of his frames are drenched in darkness; a natural way to incite fear when instilled with sounds like a deafening scrapping of metal or a squeal. All these could have come out well had it been used with a sense of measure. There are a few scenes where characters act as if they are dumb. At one end gruesome deaths happen with loud noises, while some characters, as though they are deaf, dance in the darkness and check their face on the mirror in the flicker of a candle.

The film's attempts at evoking horror often ends in humour due to the ludicrous acts of its characters.


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